Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced 好書推薦
壯大夢想的Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced﹐內容的每一個細節卻都令人驚艷!
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推! 在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯。
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced是本不錯的語言學習,誠意推薦給大家看喔!
真的不錯,內容精彩,好看的語言學習Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced全書的內容大意!
看完有一種說不出的感動,剛出版的時候我就已經在看了 !
The Contemporary Topics Series prepares students for the challenges of college by presenting a wide range of listening and note-taking strategies and skills. Targeting corpus-based vocabulary drawn from the Academic Word List, Contemporary Topics ensures that students will be familiar with the most frequently used academic terms. The twelve lectures at each level are drawn from a range of academic disciplines, and are recorded to reflect natural interaction between professor and students.
Each level offers these features:
Realistic lectures on topics of current interest.
Pre-listening activities designed to activate prior knowledge, to introduce key vocabulary, and to provide notetaking tips, models, and practice.
A wide range of listening strategies including predicting, inferring, listening for the main idea, and listening for details.
‘Using Your Notes‘ lecture review activities.
Projects including in-class discussions, presentations, contact assignments, and research projects.
Listening quizzes for each unit.
Teacher Packs for each level, including photocopiable quizzes, answer keys, and audioscripts for both lectures and quizzes.
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Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced那裡買,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced價格,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced特賣會,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced評比,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced部落客 推薦
涉貪 瓜國前副總統續押候審
壯大夢想的Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced﹐內容的每一個細節卻都令人驚艷!
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推! 在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯。
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced是本不錯的語言學習,誠意推薦給大家看喔!
真的不錯,內容精彩,好看的語言學習Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced全書的內容大意!
作者: Beglar.Murray
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2003/01/27
- 語言:英文
看完有一種說不出的感動,剛出版的時候我就已經在看了 !
The Contemporary Topics Series prepares students for the challenges of college by presenting a wide range of listening and note-taking strategies and skills. Targeting corpus-based vocabulary drawn from the Academic Word List, Contemporary Topics ensures that students will be familiar with the most frequently used academic terms. The twelve lectures at each level are drawn from a range of academic disciplines, and are recorded to reflect natural interaction between professor and students.
Each level offers these features:
Realistic lectures on topics of current interest.
Pre-listening activities designed to activate prior knowledge, to introduce key vocabulary, and to provide notetaking tips, models, and practice.
A wide range of listening strategies including predicting, inferring, listening for the main idea, and listening for details.
‘Using Your Notes‘ lecture review activities.
Projects including in-class discussions, presentations, contact assignments, and research projects.
Listening quizzes for each unit.
Teacher Packs for each level, including photocopiable quizzes, answer keys, and audioscripts for both lectures and quizzes.
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別瞎忙!好好管理你的時間 | 我不當陀螺族!:「永遠嫌時間不夠用」的現代人全方位時間管理術 |
作者: Beglar.Murray
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2003/01/27
- 語言:英文
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced
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世界最神奇的24堂課 | 富人的作法:33個成功富人的致富哲學 | ||
想成為富人的九堂必修課 | 世界最偉大的人生忠告-影響一生的成功智慧 | 博客來網路書局 |
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced推薦,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced討論,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced比較評比,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced開箱文,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced部落客
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced那裡買,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced價格,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced特賣會,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced評比,Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced部落客 推薦
涉貪 瓜國前副總統續押候審
(法新社瓜地馬拉市26日電) 瓜地馬拉法官昨天裁定,瓜國前任副總統芭爾德蒂(Roxana Baldetti)繼續羈押候審,她被控詐取海關數百萬美元。
法官安吉爾(Miguel Angel Galvez)表示,他認為拒絕讓芭爾德蒂交保是較「保險」的作法。檢察官與聯合國特別調查委員會指控,她與總統培瑞斯(OttoPerez )同為關稅舞弊集團的幕後主謀。
檢方起訴芭爾德蒂的罪名是,她向所有非法減免關稅案收取50%回扣,在2014年5月到2015年4月間共收取380萬美元。(譯者:中央社實習編譯 陳俞琁)
Contemporary Topics 2ed (3) Advanced
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